i tend to get mad today...
i don't know... maybe it was the problem that happen this morning.....
when Miah said that i'm a BITCH...
it hurts me.... a lot... i did't know why he called me that(actually, not just me but the other classmate too...!!)
i hate that... why? because he wants to get the tips for TTm.., hey go get yourselves.... i'm not your slave....
and now what..??
you are asking my twins to teach you in Japanese lesson...???
so not cute..!!
next time... think before you say it... me and my twins are fasting....
oh please.... Miah... for god sake, you should go get your own tips....
and one more thing..., learn to used your words properly....
and behave yourself....
co cou va
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
today is friday.....
today i already submit all my assignment and yes... yes.. i can see the light... i can see sun that coming right through me... hehehehe..... i know i'm being so crazy right now but i'm relief... all homework are gone(well..., except the final battle...) .... haaa......
can't wait....
and yea..., here's the deal... i'm starting to like Japanese....All... i mean the culture, the celebrities and wow.... OMG... these 2 guys were, i mean yea, cute...
this must be the influence from my lecturer.... thanks to miss Akiko k.
can't wait....
and yea..., here's the deal... i'm starting to like Japanese....All... i mean the culture, the celebrities and wow.... OMG... these 2 guys were, i mean yea, cute...
this must be the influence from my lecturer.... thanks to miss Akiko k.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
today Thursday...
today is Thursday....
finally all of the assignment is done.... assignment = check
all the CD's = check
thank you god....
finally all of the assignment is done.... assignment = check
all the CD's = check
thank you god....
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
suiyobi desu
today i have to admit that today's lesson(Japanese lesson) is hard.... what i mean is that, we already get through all the chapter and now we are in chapter eight. this chap. 8 is( i think the hard part) really hard.... not really hard but 60% - 40%. but i try not to think it as a hard subject even tough Japanese is not a major subject. i have to past time final exam cause i'm so into Japan right now. yup!! that's true.... i have my own position right now...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
今日は火曜日です...私と私の双子は、コンピュータラボいくつかの割り当て、そしてもちろんをすることにされ、はい最後のプレゼンテーションが終了昨日とはいていた、いつものように!ブログ!私はすでに私の割り当てを、プレゼンテーション、...行わほかには?オハイオ州のyea、ドラマ。ハ!既にそれをやった。私はヴィンセント私はできるだけ早く、すべての割り当てを印刷するのに役立ちます願っています。今日からの明子を欠場新しい単語を覚えるとしています。それは50から50です。そして、私は今日はまだ金曜日から断食されていない。と燁は、私の血はほとんど乾燥して私は明日かもしれない私の断食セッションを継続できると思います。オハイオ州のyea、多分この土曜日、私の母、祖母と私はスーパーマーケットに行くとeids日のいくつかの準備を買う。 haaa ....待つことができない。
Monday, August 23, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
no way...all red...!!
today is thursday and it's raining.... i think today is really,i mean really a bad day.... my puasa just broke! Darnnnn...!! no wonder my stomach hurt so much but i just ignore it... good thing my friend have some extra pads. surely i don't know what to do at time..... as for today, i have 2 classes, one is the heritage management classes(ms.Jessica) and the other is the TTM(ms.Ruhaidah).... at first i don't really ignore the pain this morning but then in the afternoon, it get so damn hurt and at that time, i knew it is..... when i go to toilet, yup... it is.
actually i don't mind saying and sharing that this is my story for today.... i mean.. let's be open k.....
and hell yea, i think today is the bad omen.... surely i have to replace my fasting sessin into another day.....
this is sooo A hole....
actually i don't mind saying and sharing that this is my story for today.... i mean.. let's be open k.....
and hell yea, i think today is the bad omen.... surely i have to replace my fasting sessin into another day.....
this is sooo A hole....
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
weird, bad role play and bad day..... Blehh..!!
Today well...,as you guys know,school everyday....(what i meant is college!) i think this day is a weird day.... it happen when i had my sahur, and yes, preparing for my brothers,and then,college. before i step out of my house,
K ask me something that kinda creeps me out. she's asking about my cloths(baju kurung)which maybe i'm going to wear it for my hari raya. Haa..!! no way bitch! that's mine... plus you already buy my red baju kurung( which i buy it last 2 year....and yes! it was sooooo yesterday). then what? you want to buy my another new cloths? oh please! didn't you notice that baju kurung is the gift from my grandfather..??? oh yea.. i forgot that you were not in this family.
that, was happen in my house. now, as in my college, today i only had a two class for today which is 日本語 and HTL( hospitality and Tourism Law). oh yea... i almost forgot. me and my group for our role play. well, our role play as for today were sucks.... not all people who come to the law class... their reason is: "law class is only 1hr.beside, it's only a role play " . something like that..... blehh.... stupid people!! guys, try to put some empathies with our lecture....
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Today is the 7th day of fasting.... as usual i wake early in the morning at 4am just to have my sahur and wake up my siblings(actually, they the one who wakes me up!)... then..after we ate our sahur, my brother were prepared them self as they have to go to school.... and as for me(time to continued my sleep).... then..., at 6am sharp, fatim wakes me up cause and yeah.., the usual activities( i don't need to clarified everything...).... and yeah, i go to school and having my studies with miss Akiko as today.... の勉強しよう! hehehe... today she's a little bit funny.... maybe because of Ah tee's joke( ah tee's been lousy today, maybe because of miss Akiko.......) our class just 1hr and that's it. Now, as usual me and my twins are in the computer's lab.... now i'm going to do my assignment 1st okey.. maybe later i will write again....
Monday, August 16, 2010
today's Monday..... too early!!
haaa..... the 6th day of fasting. just an okey day i guess. hhhmmm... today me,my mom and grandma was going to the supermarket called Giant at Putatan where it is one of my grandma's favorite places to buy our daily groceries (everyday)....we are about to enter the supermarket and then....,
okey, maybe i think it's weird but didn't they think it's too early to switch all the hari raya songs..??? it just 6th day of fasting but they already put it on(the songs...) it gives me the creeps..!! when i ask my mom..., she said that it's normal...., beside, everyone is exciting about the hari raya...(sigh)...
hhmmm.... i'm not so sure whether i should excited or act normal..... one weird store.... uh..?? am i the weirdo or the store is...???
Thursday, August 12, 2010

today is just like the same....but...,today it is sunny day, it's not rain on the evening(god thank you) i have to do some presentation and well i don't really like it cause those 3 people(boys) that really getting on my nerve.... i don't know why.. even it's already 3 month(uuwweekk)...!! oh well... i'm not going to be like bitch as for today cause i'm fasting..., so it's not good for my health to worrying such things..... oh yeah..., why i put a cat picture is because this cat is represented me.... the brave and passion cat(yeah right!)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
日本試験! 幸運を!
haaa.... today is wednesday(the first day of Puasa)... i, as a student have Japanese exam for today... i spend all my life just to read and memorize all the word from A-Z.... this morning i read my note so that i don't forget( read...read...read...) then, it was almost 8.30am and i have to go to the class and prepared myself. when miss Akiko had arive, we all seat in our own seats and well.... there goes the exam... well.., i can't say that the exam was easy but to me....,i think it's okey.... i think i do great.... hehehehe.....
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
okey.. seriously this is not an okey day.... i've fought with my twins this morning... what? it wasn't my fault anyway... she's the one that suddenly piss off.... (well...,who care...!!!) to be honest.... i know this morning there was a strong wind... so what..?? i already read my prayer... off course! i need to sleep tough(it's still early tough.... )....
ha! obviously this day is not like what i'm expected..!!! stupid day.....(b*******)........
ha! obviously this day is not like what i'm expected..!!! stupid day.....(b*******)........
Monday, August 9, 2010

hhhaaaa..... today is a one fine day.... but i think there's a lot of problem(i mean HOMWORK!!) that i should focus right now... i can't chat for too long cause i have to do my slideshow cause this friday i have to present it....
oh yeah.... you know what ? this wednesday i'm going to fasting(in Muslim religion..,it is a must to fast for the muslim people....) i hope that i can loose some weight and of course! i need to be healthy.... now i'm in the computer lab and it seem like people around me and focusing on their assignment.... i think i better go now.... see ya..!!
Friday, August 6, 2010
one fine day...
Today nothing much happen... only today.., Ms. Nelly tell us to identified a case in our subject( hospitality and tourism law). luckily i got my twins to help me up... i'm in the computer lab now(as usual) doing my assignment and well..,updated my blogs of course..!! i'm trying to rewind what have i done this morning and haaa.... i cooked my lunch for today!! hehehe.... today's menu is sausages with garlic and fresh tomatoes.... maybe before class (this afternoon i got class) i'll eat it...
just now Jeremiah give me the image of our transportation's logo. It was okey because we are doing the transportation in Scotland. well, not actually we go to Scotland but we are doing in the place called Scotland where we will do the Loch Ness.... yup... pretty nice. okey.., i think i want go now cause my stomach is begging me to eat right now... gotta go!! Later...
just now Jeremiah give me the image of our transportation's logo. It was okey because we are doing the transportation in Scotland. well, not actually we go to Scotland but we are doing in the place called Scotland where we will do the Loch Ness.... yup... pretty nice. okey.., i think i want go now cause my stomach is begging me to eat right now... gotta go!! Later...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
today is Thursday....
Today is Thursday..... and i'm still tired... after all had happen yesterday(sigh)... now is my lunch time but i only buy some bread for my lunch(well, i have to save my budget..!) yup.. a bread for my lunch! okey..., seriously i'm really concentrating my class this morning cause i'm still tired because of the event that held yesterday.( uh , wait a minute... i didn't tell you what going on in that event,am i right...)... well, to me..., i don't think that the event runs smoothly(turn out to be disaster..) I've been through a lot of fight ( not really a fight..,it just something that kind... nearly INTO a fight..).some of the group member think that me my twins are not doing our job properly but actually she's wrong...(seriously wrong..!!) I've done my job(perfectly..!!),and so does my twins... it just a misunderstanding....but then..(sigh), because of this event, my twins cried(of all those stress that she handle..),because she had to manage all the problem... me..? i can't do nothing instead being there for her....
okey..okey... no need to so emotions....
there's another problem that came up today.... Ms.Nelly.G is really mad today cause the Mezzanine floor because the hall is not being clean....( surely we'll be the dead meat...)...
hey... just finish my class( T.T.M). we enter chapter 5 for today... hhhhmmmm... what else..?? oh yeah... our final examination will be at this September 2010,and maybe this 27 August 2010 will be our last class(which mean all the presentation and assignment must submit...). because this 28 August 2010 is our study break and oh yeah... we have festivals(Hari Raya...) that time. but...,it means that we only have one week holiday.... oh god... have to rush up.....
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
today.... the event management...
today.... i was so thankful to god cause finally this event have already finished. off course this event,the 'Organization behavior' student have to launch their product and we, as the event management have take care of all those stuff (it means that we have to prepared all the things...)...
okey...okey... that is for the event management...
オーケー、オーケー、との愛の生活....のhhhmmm ...私は今とても悲しい権利をしています。彼は私の(イベントで...).彼はまだ好きな女の子に彼のみ通知を探していません...それは私の心を破壊すると私は彼があなたのための1つではない自分に言い聞かせ続ける。なぜですか?なぜですか?なぜあなたと恋に私は秋?はい、はい..この世界で何百万もの男性がが...だ彼らはあなたと同じ人ではありません。私はそれが私の時間は、上を移動するためだと思う...
okey...okey... that is for the event management...
オーケー、オーケー、との愛の生活....のhhhmmm ...私は今とても悲しい権利をしています。彼は私の(イベントで...).彼はまだ好きな女の子に彼のみ通知を探していません...それは私の心を破壊すると私は彼があなたのための1つではない自分に言い聞かせ続ける。なぜですか?なぜですか?なぜあなたと恋に私は秋?はい、はい..この世界で何百万もの男性がが...だ彼らはあなたと同じ人ではありません。私はそれが私の時間は、上を移動するためだと思う...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
oh god....
today is really... chaos day... all my friends were lost, moody and huu....(sigh).... i don't understand why this event.M ..., turn out to be a disaster.... i don't know about the other team...but in my team, it is hectic.... sawpa said that we will have our big meeting as for today(as for the preparerations for tomorrow) ....
i need go for now.... hope everything will be good...
i need go for now.... hope everything will be good...
Monday, August 2, 2010
today is August 2,2010
hey, today i had a conversation with precious(it's a person) which we are disscusing about the event management assignment. actually, she's my junior but we are at the same age(akward....). ms nelly.G told that we are going to have an event this wednesday and just now Abby told us to pay RM5 each of us... poor Abby... i think she's the one who is really busy right now...
just now i went to see precious(again...) to have the exact schedule for the event... but... the schedule is... i'm not so sure about this schedule...( she doesn't write the time in detail...)(whining... whining....)....
okey...okey... i thini'll just ask ms.Nelly G tomorrow....
just now i went to see precious(again...) to have the exact schedule for the event... but... the schedule is... i'm not so sure about this schedule...( she doesn't write the time in detail...)(whining... whining....)....
okey...okey... i thini'll just ask ms.Nelly G tomorrow....
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