hey readers...

hhhhuuuu.... yesterday and today... rain pour so heavily in Sabah. so heavily that i can't even see the road on the streets! oh rain..,please go away..., i beg you.... today, even tough that it's college-break, but still.. i go to college. i wondered what it would be if if we go to the Kundasang next week.... i hope that it will not be raining in Kundasang.
fatim (my twins) is craving for some soup at this rainy days. pity her. She already sick (same as me

) but still..., she has the time to updating her blogs

. doing nothing beside updating my blogs and watch rainy scenery out the window.

i guess today mom already go back home because she's at night shift.(poor mom)guess that maybe she is so exhausted right now.
after back from college, fatim wants us to go this restaurant with she was craving the restaurant's soup(as i mention earlier). oh look! the rain has stop. thank you god....
i gotta get going....
oh yea, before i forgot, i'm not gonna to be updating my blogs for a few weeks(some problem came up

and the trip

)well, Christmas is around the corner so i'll just want to say that Merry Christmas


and Happy New Year everyone
