hey readers~..

.. I've got so many stories to tell you guys... last Saturday and Sunday is my trip to Kudat.... hahhahaa.... I've have so many fun and all my classmate were there!well, at least not really all of them.... hhmmm, i'm wondered why certain of them can't make it to the trip....
at day 1(13,November 2010,Saturday)
at early in the morning(about 7am) me and my twins were wait at the Padang Merdeka, Bandaran to wait for other...after all members are here(at Padang merdeka) then, me and my friends start the journey. but of course, we have been selected into our own group first! Blehh....

then, to the bus!! because the journey took like, maybe like 4-5hrs....gosh... i think it was too long until my back is cramp.... before we arrive to Kudat, we stop by at a honey bee town called Gombizou honey bee.... as we arrive.., you can see the honey that they selling... wow!i can't even imagine on how their taking the honey from the bee...

when all of us were interviewing

the auntie, oh good haven, all the Bee were flying around...and me(include my friends) were all running around and maybe some of them is trying to get out of there...hehhehe... funny...
then.., we go to see the traditional people dance their traditional dance and it was so cute... even my twins also follow the dance...

sorry cause i still haven't get the photo yet!

okay...,then.., we go to the Gong making... it is a Gong that have been made by bronze which it was so cool.... this is the first time i ever saw they're making it with my own eyes... there's one that the Gong was really big for about 20 feet...that is so fucking Shit!! that thing sure is big! i mean really big...
okay, the next stop is we go to the Babangazo the Rungus long-house in Kudat. all the house were long and guess what/ the house is build with hundreds of Bamboos...it's a little spooky inside the Long-house. all kind of ring and necklace that are build by the local people. but to me all kind of the necklace are beautiful. furthermore, the house is really cold... i mean like cold breeze that come from the outside...
After all the interviewing,picturering, chatting and all stuff, we move on with our journey(to Kudat)... i notice that some of m,y friends are already fall asleep in bus... so does me...but i can't even sleep because that bus is moving... then, KUDAT!!! haaa... finally we arrive to Kudat..., all of us were gather around and our lecture told us go eat first then we'll find our place to sleep( what i mean is find a hotel).... well, as for and my twins, because my twins are very hungry

,we decided to ate at the KFC's. hehehe....allof my members are eating in one big table.... fuhh... how happy i was then... after we ate..., time to find our room.... our lecture already gave the key to each one of our members.... me and my twins were in the same room with 2 of my DHM freinds... off course! they are sweet....

after we get the key, we straightly go in and as for me.., i'm having my shower...

At that time,
we still have our free time for about 1hr and half.... that night we have our big activities....
it was puzing puzzle.... all of us must participate the activities.... after all the activities were done...,i go straight away go to my room and i'm having a cup of Maggie noodles..and sleep... so tired because of that long day....
At day 2(14 November 2010, Sunday)
i wake up early about 5.24am(cause i couldn't sleep)

.... skip some part... okay, then our next stop is go to Simpang mengayau A.K.A the tip of borneo... OMG!!! the place was really beautiful!! that was my first time going to such a beautiful place....

there's so much to see....
hehehehe..... i will never forget that day.... then, lastly our last stop is stop at this store to buy some food on our way home....
the trip was great.... even tough today i'm still tired, but i have so much fun and joy....