hey... it's me...

today i'm updating my blogs after several days... well.., so much that had happen but today i would only talks several of them...

, just now i had my final exam paper which is H.I.C which is hospitality and innovation and change.. it was okay... but i don't think about the essays...

hhhmmm... let's just pray to god... okey.. i have severals problem right now...,there a problem about my uncle...he wants to get married... which i think it's good... but the day their choose their date...is earlier than i thought... suppose mum and her sisters arrange the wedding after the Eid's day but my uncle's want it in this 26 June 2011.... and we're like....


that's too fast... we don't even prepared the invitation card yet..!! this is crazy... and i don't think we can make it.. not to think negatively but...

hhhmmm... only god knows why...
the other problem is... my friend, for which i consider her as my own sister(ok, let's call her R)...,she have a big.. i mean really big fight...big fight with her boyfriend (hhhmmm... i don't even know whether it should be called boyfriend

).... but the BF were seeking out with another girlfriend... i mean.. i know the simple answer is to ditch the guy..., but to R it's not that simple... and beside, that guy is my own lecturer... R have been so nice to him but then, this guy is treating her like.., she was someone else.... what..??? and R told me that he always say bad things to her....mocking her... as if he wasn't care for her... the problem is.., he's the one who got problem... this is completely ass!! poor R... i don't know this guy like another woman (there this woman named Rachael).... this women is in her 40's but then, dirty fact about this woman already had 2 daughters....

really stupid huh...
okay, as a matter of fact, i don't know this woman but judging form the way R told me about this bitch, i think she's lame...

hunger for love but by men who is already have a girlfriend??
Ha! i don't think so... that's mean she a bitchy who is trying to seducing other people's men by bring them somewhere... R told me that he even bring the bitch's car...what???!!

oh god... a son of a bitch like and a bitchy who already have 2 daughter should die.... i don't know why right now i wish they'll die in car crash...
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