Today..., a new words that I've learn from my sense...
today I've learn the words called
'Kore, sore, are'....
well, I'd learn it yesterday.... but i just want to informed that
this words is used for the present tense..
like for example : "kore wa nan desu ka..??"
it means
"what is this?"
and then, as for today i've learn that these 3 words also have noun..
example: kore - kono
sore - sono
are - ano
how to used this word..??
like this:
example: "kono hon wa watashi no desu."
"this book is mine."
as for the sono...,
example:"sono jisho wa anata no desuka ?"
altough it may be simple,but it mean a lot to me....
hope i can achieve my dream....
can't wait for the next class....
love it...!!