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Saturday, February 23, 2013

So much for Privacy intruders...!!!

hey.. it's me again... currently i'm working with my current company called SSL.. the company has two branch which their HQ department is at Sutera harbour Magellan and the other was at wisma Sabah.
this is wisma Sabah.

but unfortunately until now.. it has been two years now i don't have my real spot which i sometime i'll be at Wisma sabah or Sutera Magellan. okay enough about this topic. My real topic is that my HR told me to shut down my Facebook just because I've take picture with my colleague in the office. he thinks that i didn't do my job in the office but face-booking. uh HELLO!! I am do my job and for your info, that picture was taken during my recess. and guess what?  I have block my HR so that can't find me but he keep finding the wrong in me... UGH... so much for the Intruders...